How to make a Conner harddisk work with a turbo-, memory-board on the A1200. Some time ago I had a big problem. I had borrowed a Blizzard 1220 4 Mb card from a friend and when I tried to reset the computer, with the turboboard on, the Harddisk ( a Conner 210 Mb) just disappeared. In other words, the system couldn't find my damn harddisk- partitions after a reset. I found out that this problem could arise with a Blizzard-board and a Conner Harddisk so I returned the board to my friend and bought a M-TEC 68EC030 at 30 Mhz with 2 Mb memory and a 20 Mhz Co-processor. But when I tried to reset the computer with this board on the same problem arose again, my harddisk disappeared (it wouldn't boot or even work after I've loaded workbench from disc). I thought that maybe the problem was that there wasn't enough power for both the 3.5 inch harddisk and the Turboboard at the same time so I borrowed a better power supply than my own from a friend (4 Amp). But It still wouldn't work. So, I gave the harddisk a look and found two jumpers at the back of it, I removed the second one (NOT the one in the far end of the series of pins for adding jumpers!) and threw it away. When I started my computer and pressed Ctrl, L-,R-Amiga, (i e made a reset) the harddisk started to boot. My BIG PROBLEM was solved. So I figured that since I'm probably not the only one to have bought a Conner harddisk and A turboboard for my Amiga 1200 I'm probably not the only one having this problem, and therefore I decided to write this little script and share my knowledge with others. Description of how to do it: Have a look at your 3.5" Conner harddisk, turn it up side down so that you can see the circuit-board and it's IC-circuits. At the oppos¡te shortside of your cables (not the one where your cables are) there is two jumpers and a whole lot of males (I think there is 15 of them). The males sits in pairs of two and in two groups, one with 3 pairs and one with 4,5 pairs. Remove the jumper in the middle of the group with 3 pairs (You should remove the little black plastic thing with a central position of this group). Start your computer and VOILA!!! now you can reset again and your computer is alive and kicking. I hope that this little script has solved your harddiskproblem because if it has I would like you to send me a letter telling me how thankfull you are :) Perhaps we could swap PD and Ideas or something. So anyway, here comes my adress: Mikael "ME(my fancy handle)" Svensson Frövägen 4 360 51 Hovmantorp Sweden